Mike's area

By mikeprice

What's Missing??

Yes - tahts right - the BT van that is supposed to be parked there to sort my landline out!!

After many phone calls (from my mobile at my expense) I found that I had an appointment today between 1 and 6. Made sure I was in ALL day just in case but much to my amazement (not really) no-one turned up.

Some poor Indian lady got rather a talking to about it all thsi evening but I did apologise.

I have wondered is maybe BT is run by the BNP. Great way of increasing racism - route all you problems though a call centre in India and make sure the people that you talk to have too little information to be able to help and then give them rubbish equipment to you can hear a lot of background noise and can't hear them properly. End result - people blame the Indians and not BT.

While I was still angry I dashed off a quick 3 page letter of complaint and posted it!! - I was proud of myself for managing to do it without using any swear words or phrases such an pathetic incompetant morons!.

Sorry - end rant

And I am supposed to be avoiding stressfull situations!!!!!!

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