Mike's area

By mikeprice

WWW - Whoop Whoop Whoop

Back on-line again thanks to a mobile internet dongle and and very confused scouse girl in the 3 store!!!!!

Several problems though - Firefox does strange things (like not showing blip comments) and the simple drag and drop unloader just opens the image BUT at least I am on-line!!!

Poor girl in the 3 store had all sorts of trouble as the computer system wouldn't recognise my post code - then wanted my last 3 addresses - including post codes etc - and she was only a trainee - plus she had this strange 50 year old bloke who kept making her laugh!!

Anyway - I'm back - apologies for lack of comments but I will try to do more from now on

I will also try to back blip the missing days - I think I have images for all of them! Thanks also to helpfull comments - although I don't have an iPhoney so that didn't help although I will try the android app when I can get my phone somewher where it has wi-fi access

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