The Daily Bun

By pennybun

Great Tit

Such a grey day today, but we had a record number of birds in the garden around the feeders. I wonder if they know something we don't. There was a whole flock of chaffinches and goldfinches, along with a couple of blackbirds, blue tits, great tits coal tits and long-tailed tits.
After a few household jobs, I decided to go out and see if I could get some photos, I cranked up the ISO but the best I could manage was a few blurry blue tits, a sad little chaffinch which was almost scalped - a narrow escape from a cat perhaps? - and this great tit, which at least had the goodness to pose in front of some autumn colours!
I have an early dentist appointment tomorrow so whilst I'm out and about, I may well attempt leg 2 of the Rotherham Ring Route. The forecast is even worse than today's so it might be a sorry, soggy walk.

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