Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Oh..... Round Things!

Dylan the black dog had some "round things" removed from his undercarriage at the vet's today that we decided he would be better off without (being typically British with my word avoidance here). He may not agree but we don't want him getting into any "trouble". We have a teenage son and that's going to be enough to worry about in the coming years!

He's looking a bit woozy and confused now. Poor thing (the dog not our son). Not so woozy that he hasn't managed to point out to us in his own little way that he hasn't had enough to eat today though.

I'm not usually one to share pet photos but I though he deserved to be star of the show today.

I'm such a liar. I actually had trouble with my camera earlier and when I tried to take a photo of the most beautiful sky this evening I kept getting an error message. I was very cross and may have mentioned said "round things" once or twice.
A rest, some new batteries and a strong blow from Richard into the lens seems to have sorted it out a bit (you can't beat blowing or thumping something when it doesn't work) So I was left with a sad dog and a tired child. Tess has been to a party and come home with a balloon and buttons (I know - more round things!)

And ..... Wait for it..... It's only a full moon too.


Or just me making connections to suit my blip?

(Black dogs seem to be difficult to photograph)

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