

of grandma's...

remembering - the really old ones she used to have... that mom still has - all wrapped up very carefully in tissue... and stored in the attic. handmade in germany - where grandma was from - handpainted, too. very delicate... they all had those little gold caps on top - were very individualized - none of the cookie cutter christmas ornaments you see today. each one carefully made of the thinnest gold metals; sometimes porcelain. i remember being afriad they would break if i dared to touch them...

of course, grandma herself - apron fastened around her waist - baking scrumptious goodies... no recipe necessary - everything in her head... throwing ingredients together - flour everywhere and rolling pins on the table... a yummy aroma filling the house - yeast and sugar and cinnamon and cardamom and ginger and nutmeg and nuts... mouth watering with anticipation - you just knew it was going to be good. her cinnamon rolls were out of this world!

memories are wonderful... they bring back vivid pictures of days gone by - things that were... and conjure up a beckoning - to not forget those who went before you, paving the way... taking care of you - and loving you with simple moments - that made for...


happy day.....

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