All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Top of the stairs

Ethan woke at 6am today which is the earliest time I deem "acceptable". Rather than bringing him milk straight away though I took him through to our bed. Although he didn't go back to sleep, he did snuggle in with us for a while which was nice. When I did get him a bottle of milk he tanked down a bottle and a half which is unheard of!

We were playing peek-a-boo under the bedcovers when Granny got up. I emerged from under the covers to find her standing at my bedroom door grinning at me. Can't imagine why she found it amusing haha!

Ethan went to Bounce & Tickle this morning. He fell asleep on the way back but woke when Granny tried to move him for the sofa. So we all had lunch and she then took him for a walk in the pushchair to try to get him to sleep. But she walked, and walked, and walked but he wasn't for sleeping! He did manage to get a wee trip to the swingpark though! Foreveryoung and Eden arrived while he was out and I think he was pleased to see them again.

In the end Grandpa and I took him for a wee drive to West Calder as I had to go to the Post Office. Just as we drove back into our estate he fell asleep, so I turned around and carried on driving to make sure he was well asleep. By now it was 4pm though so we only let him sleep for 40 minutes before waking him up. We had spaghetti bolognese for dinner but he seemed to prefer the spaghetti to the bolognese!

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