All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Having had a few 7am starts from Ethan over the past week, he is gradually getting earlier and earlier again. 5.50am this morning. So he came in bed with us and cuddled up to us for 1/2 hour before deciding that no, he really did want to get up. So hubbie did the early shift today.

Hubbie also took Ethan to his weekly gymnastics class today while I spent time on line listing more stuff on Ebay. Ethan came back with a wee medal for trying hard, although apparently all the kids got one haha!

I then took Ethan to the playpark. He wanted to take his tricycle which is fine apart from the fact he refused to sit on it but pushed it all the way there by himself and all the way back. So it took much longer than usual!

After a quick lunch, the 3 of us headed over to Linlithgow to go to Callums 3rd birthday party. We started off at the local soft play, before heading back to his house for lots of yummy party food. I think Ethan has completely overdosed on chocolate today!

After leaving there, we stopped off at The Centre as they were having pre Christmas celebrations with Santa, switching on lights, reindeer etc. As we didn't get there till after 5pm we'd missed the main event but did spend ages watching the reindeer before they got taken away.

Ethan was worn out after all that activity today. He asked to go to bed while having his milk and went down without a fuss. Wonder if there is any chance of a Sunday lie-in tomorrow?

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