An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

An emotional day.... more ways than one.

Firstly remembering all those service men and women who have given their lives for our freedom. There is no greater sacrifice and we are indebted to each and every one. Thank you.

Secondly it's been an emotional day as I was at mums clearing out her stuff. She used to joke that when she was gone I would just hire a skip and chuck the lot as we had completely different taste in just about everything! :-))

Well the charity shops will certainly be getting a bumper donation of clothes. Who knew she had so many??? Apart from two or three smart outfits, she rotated a basic wardrobe of black trousers, some blouses and cardis, yet there were piles and piles of lovely skirts, dresses, tops, jackets and evening wear!

Being an only child I have inherited all her jewellery and whilst it is mainly costume jewellery, she does have a few beautiful pieces that will always remind me of her. But it is other the other stuff that I found that has become instantly priceless to me:-

Her 21st birthday cards
My 1st birthday cards
Family photos that I haven't seen since I was a child
Her white bridal bible with the page turned down and a circle around Psalm no 6
A mother's day card with my childish handwriting saying "from your loving daughter age 8"

And my absolute favourite.......her recipe book. Nothing fancy, just a little lined note pad that is missing the back cover and is stained with food splashes and very dog-eared but full of her favourite recipes (including hers and my gran's Clootie Dumpling recipes) all written in her neat handwriting. I love it!

I knew immediately that had to be today's blip.

So please forgive me if I don't get around to commenting tonight. I have some wonderful recipes to read and remember the taste of meals gone by. Old birthday cards to read and long lost family members to gaze at as they smile at me from the past.

I think this calls for a Drambuie

Have a great weekend Blip Pals xx

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