horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


Ah, back to work...

I'm sure when I arrive on the bike there is natural confusion that there I was, the day before, off ill. I was still not too good today, but had at least had a good night's sleep ergo felt missing another day of work would have been a little unnecessary. And hopping on the bike is the easy part, sitting at the desk once those lovely endorphins have worn off is the hard part. I've checked this with other cyclists and I'm not the only one who finds, when ill, sitting in the saddle and pedalling away is a bit of a natural relief.

Anyway, I'm surprised (after saying in my 1000th the other day that I'm not bothered by views and so on) that yesterday's mouse encountered no comments...

I see today that a TV presenter set off on a Children in Need adventure aboard a rikshaw (as blipped by Jack), which prompted this letter to Historic Scotland...


Dear Sirs

I note with gratitude that it appears the cycle ban on the Esplanade of Edinburgh Castle has been lifted. I can only assume that this is the case after Matt Baker's send-off on his charity rikshaw ride.

I have only tried to cycle onto the Esplanade once, roughly a year ago, when I was stopped at the entrance and told that 'Health and Safety' dictated I could not cycle there as 'people cannot see bikes'. It seemed slightly odd given while we had our (good natured) chat a number of taxis entered the Esplanade to deposit passengers, and one tour bus did a circuit. I would presume both of these conveyances have greater potential harm for the many pedestrian tourists, but I'm happy to be corrected on this. I was slightly disappointed because Castle Rock was the culmination of a ride around the 7 Hills of Edinburgh and strangely eluded me on two wheels.

Mind you, I wasn't as disappointed as I imagine the Help for Heroes cyclists were at finding out their charity ride would have to dismount (scroll down in the link).

So it is with great cheer that I note the removal of the ban. For clarification, can you confirm that the ban has indeed been lifted, or is it only famous television presenters who are afforded a warm welcome?

Yours sincerely blah blah blah

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