Behind a lost fish and chip shop

Best viewed large The 2 story house on the right has earthquake damage covered with ply wood.

There used to be a block of shops here. I'm standing where the fish and chip shop used to be. Sometimes there are hidden gems behind what earthquakes removed. Most of the time there is just blank space and it's hard to envisage how to photograph vacant space. It was part of the block where my local Opawa cycles was (and my bike was trapped inside).

A day of pottering for me. I wondered last night if I caught a chill from yesterday's wind and cold. Still felt that way today. Late yesterday I planted 2 lime-ish coloured Hostas together with 2 Heucheras with variegated red and green toned leaves. They look good together.

I also planted a Winter Rose - another transplant from my friend's garden, plus something else she gave me called Pinks (which I think is an old fashioned plant and possibly a Dianthus). Just to confuse me further it has white (not pink) flowers.

As you can probably tell I'm better at vegetables that flowers and shrubs ;-)

I'm pleased to have them in. Yay, something planted in the new garden :-) They look good and I got them in before it rained last night.

I also potted a couple of deep red Impatiens into half-round wooden planters. I'll attach these to inside of the back fence but I'll wait for warmer weather.

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