Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Lost Sole

If you've lost a single child's size 9 blue welly with inner sock in Chislehurst, this is where to look.

You can see it now, the kid in the buggy kicks their foot in the air, welly flies off, mum and dad deep in serious conversation about the art of parenting don't realise until they get home that they have a child with one hypothermic lower limb ...

Anyway had a nice walk around the pond with Aged P. although she was anxious I would lose control of her sixteen stones in a wheelchair and let her fall in the water. Honestly. Saw a shire horse trotting through heavy traffic. Better you than me. Kid walking along the top of a hundred foot long queue of shopping trolleys outside Sainsburys. Very respectable old woman lighting up a crafty fag around the back of cafe rouge, thinking no-one could see her. All blips that never were. Ah well ....

One day the camera will be an implant in the head an I'll never miss a picture ...

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