The Wren

By TheWren

'Conifers' by Monet?

The day dawned a bit brighter and although mid morning a brief shower attempted to spoil things it was but a mere whimper compared to the previous 24hours when an impressive 15mm of rain had fallen, mostly through the night.

Early in the walk this morning I noticed wonderful cloud formations billowing above the tree line, catching the full rays of the low sun such that they appeared to have glorious silver linings! It was awe inspiring and I thought I had my blip in the bag! But maybe it was simply enough that I had been there to witness it after yesterday's grey day. Having admired the clouds as they gently changed shape until the lining disappeared I managed to catch the dogs up ahead.

The last two days' walks had needed to be a bit speedy so I decided to give the three of us a bit more of a stretch today, especially as it was so fair and mild. Following last night's rain there were obviously numerous puddles for me to pause at with just enough time to notice how the nearby trees were caught in the reflections before the dogs disturbed the surface by catching a quick drink! Then I came across a fairly large area of surface water and took photos of Cara running beside it as her reflection was quite good. Suddenly she and Bruce ran off up the hill and into the trees after some interesting new smell and I looked back at the water from a different angle. That was when I noticed how the water was reflecting just the tops of some distant trees which were caught in the wintry sunlight - so I took the photo.

Gardening and a bit of make do DIY took over the rest of the day until I came in to check my photos. That was when I saw that Monet had been busy! I felt that the silver lined clouds were no match for this painting so I hope you like it too!

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