Found - one crystal ear-ring

I left Aberdeen this morning at crack of sparrow in order to be ahead of the morning rush hour as I had a quilting meeting back home at 10 am which I did not want to miss. It was minus two degrees so I had to de-ice the car before I set off, but my timing was perfect and I smiled as I swung away from the traffic en route south. True to form, as I was driving down the dual carriageway, I saw a perfect blip - a fabulous sunset sunrise over the sea with the frosty ploughed fields making an awesome foreground - not to be shown here I'm afraid though. The further south and west I drove, the mistier it became and home has been completely shrouded in a very heavy mist all day.

The dogs were thrilled to meet up with each other with lots of nose and 'other places' sniffing to check out where each of them had been. Once my quilt class was over we set off with full waterproofs on and the camera, although I had little hope of a blip. However Mother Nature, as ever, surprised me and there were so many small grasses bowing their heads under their heavy load of crystal droplets that the patches between the heathers looked quite white. I took many photos trying hard to replicate the scene but it was difficult to focus accurately and often just when I was ready to press the shutter, one or other dog bounced up to see what I was doing and the relevant droplets promptly disappeared! I hope you like my choice of the ear-rings.

Thank you for taking the time to view and comment while I was unable to reciprocate with your own journals. The wi-fi where I was staying was rather fragile and we were very busy with family gatherings and walks. It has been an excellent and timely interlude!

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