....Yummy, yummy, yummy.....

Charlotte came to visit today.

She arrived around lunch time and stayed until 9.00 p.m.

In the last week she's learned to crawl and has suddenly taken to solid food.....well, mush really.......three meals a day.

For lunch she had cauliflower and brocolli followed by baby rice.

She then spent an hour or so crawling round trying to get hold of everything she shouldn't...then she went for a walk with the Boss...then she went with the Boss and YH to visit Therese, before returning home to watch the England game. Honestly, she has a busier social life than me.

For tea tonight she had sweet potato and carrot followed by pears....if you look closely you can see the evidence...on her bib, round her mouth, up her nose and in her right eyebrow!

This was folowed by another energetic crawling session, including chasing Pasha the cat around the living room, a shouting session and then the S & H came home from his hockey match so we had a giggling session.

The Daughter, as is her wont from time to time, decided she was making dinner and produced a steak and mushroom pie, corn on the cob and mashed creamy potatoes. Very good it was too for a first try, she's never made a pie before. Charlie joined us at the table and tried some mash and gravy.

Then she shouted all the way through Merlin, so it's a good job we have it on Sky plus. The house is now quiet, S & H, YH and Charlie have gone back home, the Daughter has gone out for a beer or six and the Boss is watching TV.........Me?....once I've finished this I'm getting the gear sorted for tomorrow's fishing match and then I'm off to the land of nod.

Tomorrow should be quiet, then I'm in work on Monday at 7.30 to help with breakfast for the Russians, then a full day teaching,then dinner for the Russians, then our Presentation Evening and then home....Charlie will be here again as the S & H and YH are going to see the Red Hot Chilli Peppers, they're all staying over....and then back to work for 7.30 Tuesday!

What was I saying about a quiet life?

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