Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Keld waterfall (on the edge)

I am spoilt for choice over images to blip today. On the way to Middleham this morning we encountered cyclists in a road race. They wore bright clothes and were happy to smile as they passed our cameras. In Middleham we saw a good number of race horses being taken out for exercise on the moors.

Then we went to Aysgarth Falls (middle and lower) and foolishly tried to photograph them at lunchtime in the sun.....

Then to Swaledale and the villages of Muker and Keld. We watched a farmer trim sheep's feet before walking to the final photo shoot at Keld waterfall. The light was fading fast and the pink in western sky produced lovely colours in the water. Here is a 41 sec exposure at the edge of the waterfall. I think the effect is quite magical. Hope you like it.

On the advice of gen2 I have changed the crop. I think that's better.

Home tomorrow.

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