michigan man

By outdoorguy

Christmas Early

I usually say I'm going to the big city, and I mean Flint, Michigan. But..this afternoon we went to the big, big city of Detroit..about an hour away from our house.

For 28-30 straight years ..we have been watching Irving Berlin's White Christmas with friends of ours..the Brodys. We have watched our kids grow up..we have gone from VCR's to Dvd's..grandkids and other friends have joined in, and we've had everything from pizza to a venison casserole to go along with the movie. We even got to the point where we have dissected the movie so much..that we know every flaw and editing mistake in the movie..and there are many. Once a year..we call each other a Weirdsmobile, and try to eat Liverwurst. (You have to watch it to get it.)

This year we decided to culture it up a bit, and go to the play at the Fox Theatre. What a lovely old place, and a first rate production. My big shot is some detail on the side of the building. I just love the wrought iron, and the metal work. The small picture is the ceiling inside the lobby, and the other small shot is the marquee. I wanted to re-work the sign, and insert my name underneath the word STARRING, but I figured it would take me to long.

A great afternoon with old friends with music that we knew and could tap your toes to. Not even a mildly rude usherette named Gertrude (GET YOUR PROGRAM AT THE OTHER END!!), or a guy with a giant head (we switched seats) could ruin the afternoon. I felt festive enough to buy my wife an 8 dollar bag of almonds (the smell gets you every time), and the nut guy was so courteous..that I tipped him 2 bucks. After sampling the nuts..I went out and tried to get my 2 dollars back.

A happy early CHRISTmas greeting to allyou blippers.

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