stuff & nonsense

By sleepyhead

By Any Other Name

Can I firstly thank everyone for their favourites for my Remembrance Day blip. This became my most hearted entry, rather appropriately replacing Fog of War. So very much appreciated!

Another quick blip today.

Migration is on go slow at the moment while the latest set of problems are being investigated by others. Potentially this is turning into the disaster we've tried successfully to prevent to date...

With 2 1/2 hours sleep in the last 24 hours and not much prospect for an early completion to this process tonight/tomorrow morning I was beginning to wilt, so I wandered out into the landscaped area in front of the flat and to the rose beds which are surprisingly still quite colourful with a number of flowers still in bloom and even a few still budding. I'm not really the gardening type, but surely this is not natural for mid-November!

I decided to go against the grain a little and (surprise, surprise) once again opt for highlighting the structure and tone of the flower with a mono treatment rather than stick to colour. Hope you all like it. I'll try and keep tabs with everyone today, but I suspect that any real free time I'm going to have will mostly be spent in the land of nod with the mobile taped to my ear so I hear it when his master's voice calls!

If there is one bright spot to this whole thing, it's the fact that Management have arranged coffee and cake tomorrow morning for the staff to celebrate the completion of the roll out. If I'm up through the night (or even still working) I'll be taking a long lie (or continuing remotely) and will miss that particular opportunity to see another nausiating back-patting and self-congratulatory exercise!

Have a great Sunday everyone!

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