Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

Too much altogether

It's tradition in the Music Group to bring along a pack of biscuits or the like as a gesture of thanks to the host of the day. Our latest recruit, however, is making a bit of a habit of going quite a few steps further than biscuits and more often than not arriving on the doorstep with a box of hand-made chocolates instead. Yesterday was no exception.

Actually, another of the guys also came with a box of chocolates, which is the one that was opened. That meant that I was left with this box of Leonidas all to myself today, which I dipped into as I watched the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix. Poor old Sebastian Vettel and his mysterious first-lap puncture which ended his involvement in the race. With him out of the way, Lewis Hamilton went on to win comfortably. Commentators and coverage on the web describe LH as 'magnificent', but I can't help feeling that he only won by default. It wasn't a great race, despite revised DRS zones resulting in more overtakes, and compounded by a disastrous pit stop for Mark Webber.

Anyway, that's it for now. Time to turn to work and get some more proof pages ready for the quarterly magazine re-design. I really, really must get a decent amuont of material to the client for tomorrow morning.

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