My Magic Kingdom

By HRHCinderella

On Display

These rows of beautiful birds caught my eye as they cast long shadows in the late afternoon sun.

A lazy Sunday morning started with a delicious family breakfast of fried eggs, onions, boerewors and toast. A lot of time was then spent in the pool until we had a midday thunderstorm.

After the storm was over we decided to go for pancakes and walk around one of the nearby outdoor fleamarkets. The Welwitschia Market is always busy over summer weekends and there is always a good vibe and lots of specials on offer.

The Pick-a-Pancake restaurant serves the most delicious, huge pancakes in town! We chose the Bar One and the Caramel pancakes to indulge our sweet sides.

Afterwards daughter T and son S took a fun ride on the ferris wheel. Of course I was having loads of fun taking lots of photos and then had to come home and decide which one to Blip.

I always like to wind things down on a Sunday evening so that we can get ready for the new week. Two children start end of year exams in a few days and need to keep focused for this period. Good luck guys - another year is nearly done!

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