All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Hands & Feet 2011

Ethan was sitting quietly on the windowsill this morning, just watching nothing in particular while I was drying my hair. It's not very often he does sit still, so I took the opportunity to take some photos of his bare feet. Not sure why but I'm a sucker for children's hand/feet pictures - they're so cute! And how much bigger Ethan's now are compared to last year.

I took him to Almond Valley Heritage Centre later in the day. Got some fab shots of him on the nutty bouncer, although it was nearly impossible to get any without other kids in the background too. He loves the nutty bouncer but is too lazy to jump much himself. Instead, he lets the other kids do all the hard work while he enjoys being tossed all over the place by their actions!

We grabbed a quick bite to eat in the cafe there, and whilst in there had the pleasure of meeting Mrs Parsfan & Stan. Was a bit surreal her recognising us from our blips though when I didn't know her!

By the time we got home, Ethan was well overdue a nap. He had seemed wide awake the whole drive home but I took him out the car, carried him to our house and during the 10 seconds that took, he fell asleep against my shoulder! He was so sound asleep I managed to put him in the cot without waking him, which is usually impossible.

After he woke up, hubbie & I took him back out as we wanted to look at some furniture stores. Didn't find anything we liked and as it was dinner time by the time we were heading home, we went to Chiquito's for dinner. The waitress was lovely, and paid Ethan lots of attention, especially when he was getting tetchy waiting for food and was trying to climb out the highchair. One word from her and he sat down nicely again haha! Shame the meal was spoilt though by the chef putting bacon in my veggie meal though and me not noticing until after I'd eaten a bit. Yuk. The staff couldn't apologise enough though and the manager didn't charge us for either main course to try to compensate.

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