
By greadyboy

Ladybird infestation!

Well, there's a bit of a story behind this boring, rubbish photograph.

As you may have noted from yesterday's blip, the family and I went for an Indian meal last night.

Uncle R came with us.

Uncle R works as a scientist and regularly goes to conferences.

Occasionally to talk and do presentations himself.

Uncle R likes fart jokes, South Park and Family Guy.

Today, we all smelt the consequences of the previous day's meal out.

Apparently curry irritates his bowels.

Therefore, to dissipate the emanating fragrance, we opened some windows.

Little to our knowledge, a large group of ladybirds were waiting outside.



Upon going to shut the windows, we noticed a blanket of the critters covering the windowsill, crawling around the gubbins.

It took us about ten minutes to entice them onto sheets of paper and get them to fly away outside.

Then, we had lunch. A massive roast.

I love being home. I do miss Winchester though.

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