A first for me!

To our dismay, our wonderful neighbor moved to Michigan yesterday. In the back corner of her property sits a garden shed, and when I came home from church today, I walked back to close the shed door which was blowing around in the wind. Just as I reached the shed, a black and white cat dashed out from a nearby woodpile and ran off. Searching around for a skinny stick to secure the latch on the door, I became aware of crying. "Sounds like kittens," I thought, and began to look more closely at the woodpile. Sure enough, there they were...three little kittens, not newborn, but not very large either.

The woodpile happens to be on the edge of our property. Does that mean they are our kittens. That is not a good thought! I like kittens. Cats too. But I don't want them in my house, or under my woodpile for that matter. Would any of you blippers like a kitten? They are adorable. I am sure this is the first time I have blipped kittens, but I just had to share this story.

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