
By TonyG

Rotten to the core

Yellowdrop Milkcap - Lactarius chrysorrhoeus

At least that's the conclusion after some research. Any fungi-fiends who know better please comment! Seemed a natural progression after yesterdays blip.

A visit to a local nature reserve, Buxton Heath, with A (9 years old and a budding naturalist.) An ancient valley mire, the heathland is being managed back to full health by Norfolk Wildlife Trust. Major scrub clearance and managed grazing (ponies at present) is restoring the balance of nature. Great for orchids and bog plants in spring and early summer, butterflies too. I'll be returning as often as I can ... yes, thanks to Blip I am getting out more! Todays walk quickly turned into a Fungus Foray. We found at least ten different in the hour we spent there around sunset. Great fun!

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