Mike's area

By mikeprice

Remberance Sunday

Took this by the War Memorial on the prom in Llandudno.

This day always reminds me of a comment I heard from someone on the TV once - it was someone like Jimmy Saville or Raymond Baxter - who was talking from the spinal injuries unit in Stoke Manderville hospital. This was many many years after 1945 (obviously - I'm not that old in spite of comments from a certain Yorkshire woman on here) and he had been visiting people who had been injured in the war and were STILL in hospital.
he said - something like - a lot of people talk of the 'ultimate sacrifice' - if you want to see the real ultimate sacrifice you should come here.
There was no disrespect to theose who died - and are still dying - but we mustn't forget that many people continue suffering from injuries that are far worse than those shown on TV and will never get better.

My Dad was watching with me - as his back was broken by a bomb casing from a Stirling (I think) on 6th June 1944 this was especially moving for him. One of the few times I saw him genuinly and obviously moved by something. Some of those people were probably people that were in hospital with him.


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