
2 years 25days

Hello lovely blip-buddies!! We've missed you all a lot! I'm going to be without the internet at home for quite a while (stupid BT are messing us about and it is likely to be several weeks) but I'm at uni today so have brought all the backblips with me (they start here so please take a peep) and am trying to resist the urge to spend my study day/lecture time catching up with you all.

Things are going ok, she's settling into our new home. It's had its challenges, the move, which will probably appear in my own journal when I get that sorted, but we're in and its beginning to feel like home. I think we're still in a "holiday home" type place for Katie; she's settling, knows its her belongings, her space, but I'm not sure its dawned on her this is for real. She has said though "we not go other house", so I think she's got that bit at least!

She's been singing a lot this morning, including jingle bells, so I presume they are doing that at nursery in their Christmas play as it's definitely not one I'm singing with her yet! She's going to be a Christmas Elf in the production, so I have a costume to make for her. When I dropped her off at nursery this morning, it was a Christmas CD playing in her room. The staff member who was in there was already rather irritated with it, I'm not surprised.

Anyway, sending you all love and thinking of you xx

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