
12 months + 25 days

Katie taking an early morning phone call on her mobile. Which she took from her handbag. Where she also keeps her mirror and a little purse. All soft, fluffy, pink, girlyness. She loves it! A much loved birthday present from her godmother. Can you spot tooth 3, on the top? I can't believe how big its got in just 4 days!

We've had a really early start, after a rather long night. She has a cough, and only wanted Mummy's bed. Mummy had to shelf her job list and just snuggle with Katie.

Despite our early start, she's been full of beans and playing away. Until the weekend, Katie's favourite game, I'm almost embarassed to admit, was fetch. Yes, like you would play with a dog. I throw a ball, she runs and gets it, brings it back, lather-rinse-repeat. Well now, she can throw the ball back too. The game just got a bit more socially acceptable! We've been playing many games of "ball-ball-ball".

Off to playgroup this morning, see Ava and her mummy there. Then if she's up to it, we'll go swimming. Coffee with a friend afterwards then tea with the Cousins.... one busy but interesting day!

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