Quick Stop In Cumbria
Back-blipped for 9.11.11
We thought we'd set off in good time for brief stops en route to the Midlands.
First was an important shopping destination, the Bird's Bistro in Penruddock, to obtain our winter supply of birdfood; this is a supplier we try to visit when we are in the area as they sell the ingredients separately but will also make a mix specific to the birds that visit the garden and are happy to discuss and advise on birdy matters, such as 'why my birds won't even look at the commercial mix I bought from a garden centre recently'. We bought a big bag of BB mixed seed, hoping this is more popular, and three big bags of ingredients, also another squirrelproof feeder, so our birds should eat well even if the winter proves as severe as the last one.
The Rheged centre is close by so we stopped briefly, just for lunch, before bashing on to our Travelodge in Charnwood Forest, arriving after dark, and then an excellent tea at the Birch Tree.
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