Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Birthday Presents

First, do let me say that I've backblipped for yesterday, Sunday and Saturday. Didn't manage to to it until today because I've simply been too busy to sit at the computer for long enough! Phew!

These came in the post yesterday! They're birthday presents for a couple of (not quite so young) rat gentlemen, who will be 2 at the beginning of December. In terms of rat years, 2 is quite old, and it may be the only birthday I ever get to spend with them.

Of course, I don't know their exact ages. When I rehomed them at the start of June, I was told they were "about a year and a half old", so I'm taking the 6-month marker from when I got them as their birthday. Like all birthdays in this household though, it will be held over a period of time, so they will get their presents at the next moderate cage clean (maybe even later tonight if I get chance, or maybe on Thursday).

For those of you who aren't familiar with the world of rat accessories, these are Sputniks. As you can see in this blip, the boys already have a Sputnik, in yellow, which they absolutely adore. However, it's getting very chewed now (those little rodent teeth do love to nibble), and furthermore, they both adore going into the Sputnik, but not always at the same time. Also, they sometimes wee in their current Sputnik, then get all put out because it's wet (and the human hasn't cleaned it out, for example, if the human is asleep in bed), so this way they'll have a spare!

The yellow one will become a cage floor accessory, where they can continue chewing it, and they will have their smart new pink and purple ones to hang out in!

Bless their little ratty selves! Such wonderful companions!

Today was an extra college day, with a slow trip in. The traffic was so bad that it took 2 hours and 10 minutes to get there. I only went in for an hour and a half of observation, then I had to come home again. Felt like rather a waste of time, since I'm so busy at the moment.

Hey well. Had to be done.

At least I've managed to do a few bits and pieces this afternoon - including finally getting my blips up to date!


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