Water angels....

My photo students and I worked with trying to get drop photos this afternoon....It is not easy! C, one of the students has been working with this for a bit and showed us how it was done. You can see her photo from the day HERE. She was able to get hers completely clear and it turned out great!...Mine is out of focus. I ended up with a few that were ok, but I liked this one best since it looks like an angel :) In anycase it was fun trying this and learning from each other - very nice!

Otherwise good days, but not blipping much again. Having a hard time keeping up with everything these days and now there is this cute puppy going everywhere with me as well :) We are having so much fun with him....His name is Diesel....and we think he must be the smartest and cutest dog ever :)

I hope you are all having good days!

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