The journey continues...

By Lbell

An argentine specialty!

Orphanage again today and I was pretty bored there for a chance as the kids were all doing their own thing. But by the time I left there was lots happening and I didn't even realise it was 7 already!
I'm actually beginning to enjoy the 1 and a half hour journey to the orphanage and back again, getting a lot of reading done.
Not much exiting to report on home half8ish and had dinner. My laptop restarted itself so I lost the millions of taps I like to keep up at one time, which were for my essay on abortion, not happy!
I treated myself to a wee alfajor before bed :) They eat them all the time over here and usually for breakfast which is weird! It's got dulce de leche in the middle which is pretty much just caramel. They're sooo good!

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