Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Demoltion near the Tyne

I had to go to Newcastle today to buy a few things for my holiday. I took the opportunity to go to buy Mountboard at the shop down near the river Tyne. They provide good value and cut the board while you wait.

Opposite the framer's shop is/was this building which is now being demolished. I thought it would make an interesting blip. When you gaze up at the top floors you might be forgiven for thinking that clothes had been flung out of the damaged walls. (I do remember the sight of a young man's clothes being thrown out of the upstairs window of the house opposite by his angry girlfriend, many years ago in Gosforth and this image reminded me of that.)

The sun was behind, so this is an HDR of 3 images with further dodging and burning on small areas. The perspective was also corrected.

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