The Corner of Your Heart

By LifeInEveryWord

Time after Time

I had a hard time choosing what to post today
So much has happened
-It was my last day of high school classes
-We got our yearbooks and started the signing process
-And I went to a carnival
But I think this pretty much sums it up

In the last four years of high school, I have bounced around between countless friends
I have a hard time trusting people, as they always seem to let me down
But Casey never lets me down
She is one of the most genuine friends I have ever had
And I am so glad that she is the one I am creating memories with as I exit high school
Side by side we braved not only the zipper but boys, backstabbers, and intense high school drama
But no matter what, we always seem to come out laughing
It's a shame that we haven't been closer for longer
But hopefully next year, since our schools aren't too far apart, we can visit each other
Because when I write "keep in touch" in her yearbook, for once I'll actually mean it

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