Welcome to My Crazy Life

By theedork


This is the beautiful addition to TCNJ's campus that I get to walk past everyday on my way to and from the apartments. It surrounds what used to be a nice stretch of grass between two commuter lots, and will soon be anothre parking lot due to the construction of 'Campus Town.' Which sounds like it'll be really cool, but as it won't be completed until years after I am gone, I do not appreciate the construction. Also, all the lamps are laying around in various states of death. It makes me sad, like there was some giant street lamp war and these are the casualties.

So anyway, today I had ecology lecture. Then I came back and cleaned the bathroom and shower, because I am so exciting. And then I had ecology lab forever and ever. In reality it was only a little over 3 hours, but let me tell you it felt like forever and ever. Especially because Dan NOT the man was extra argumentative and annoying today, which is saying something because the rest of our group wants to kill him on a pretty regular basis. We compromised by essentially ignoring him and plotting how to save our lab grade by giving him minimal things to do.

Then after ecology lab I came back to the apartment and did basically nothing productive until Glee and New Girl (which I love both to death), and then I did nothing productive afterwards either except watch part of Happy Feet. Then I had to go to sleep because I've been so super tired lately.

Woot, exciting day.

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