
By LeeAnne

Where does time go...

Time has sort of run away with me the last few days. There don't seem to be enough hours in the day to get everything done that I need to get done. Today has been fairly productive in the run up to Friday but I was late getting out of the office again. Funny how they notice when you're two minutes late in the morning but don't bother to acknowledge that you've stayed two hours late! (I'm rolling my eyes... can you tell?!) :O)

I managed to take some time out over lunch and popped into the cemetery to see my friend... I should really think of a proper name for him, I dare say many people have a name for him cause he's definitely not shy. There was another girl there, amazed at him coming so close to me so I shared the nuts and she fed him by hand. He's so cute but has been a little jumpy the last couple of times I've seen him. Not that jumpy to stop him keeking round the corner to check if I've come. It's nice to feel wanted.

So I'm home now... brain is still working overtime worrying whether I've done everything or whether I've missed something. Tomorrow is the fine tooth comb day to go over everything and hope that if I have forgotten something there's time to fix it!

Now I'm mid hair dye and about to paint my toes.

So today's blip (could have been a squirrel or the view from my window in the office) is my chest of drawers in my bedroom. It used to be my Gran's, as did the clock which is completely broken, the mechanism hasn't worked for years but it's chimed twice (that I've heard) since I moved in here. According to my Dad it is completely buggered and shouldn't chime at all. Weird... I dare say the dead people who live with me are up to mischief (a long story for another time I suspect).

The beautiful lamp is one my Mum made for me, one of three in my flat along with the panel above my front door. Another blip, another day. The little box is made from leather and was handmade by a man I used to work with who lives in Boulder, USA. The test tube vase is something my friend Ary bought for me for my 30th birthday. All the rest of the crap that was on my chest of drawers is my own doing and in a heap on the floor along with the sock that dusted it... I am a disgrace to housework!!

And now time has run away again and I need to go wash the dye from my mop! No more grey! Result!!

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