
By LeeAnne

Gifts from afar...

I'm in a false sense of security I think... it got to 4.30pm today and I was wondering what to do next. I've checked and double checked that everything is ready for the training conference and black tie dinner tomorrow. Either I'm super organised or I've totally forgotten something really important and I'll remember at the eleventh hour (most likely at 4am when I wake up worrying!)

So I left work on time for a change and went to meet my folks and their friends, Jimmy, Marion and Alison, who are here on holiday from New Zealand. They go home on Saturday so I probably won't see them again before they go, although they did suggest I visit them in NZ... who knows, maybe I'll save my pennies, take my camera and do just that!

We had a lovely dinner at Katie's Diner... if you're in the Bruntsfield area and haven't been as yet then you should definitely go. Great food and a lovely atmosphere, really nice.

As we were leaving, they gave me this lovely bag and a calendar for next year. Unexpected and very much appreciated, a lovely thought. As I transferred my washing from the boot of my Dad's car into mine, it was suggested perhaps I could take my next load of washing in the bag! I think it's too nice to be a bag for washing though. Lovely evening.

So now I'm going to take myself off to bed for my big day tomorrow. I fear I'll have to backblip on Saturday, I may consume copious amounts of wine tomorrow night and my typing is not particularly good after booze!!

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