Traffic mirror and street lamps

Last night we had Marta's worse night ever. She might be a little sick, with her nose running a little, so she wasn't able to stay asleep for much more than one, one-and-half hours. The end result was that, even taking turns with Marta, trying to get her to sleep every time she woke up, we barely got more than two hours of rest and I've been suffering from a light headache all day. But I'm the lucky one, R had to go to work.

Even so, we can't really complain. Marta's now a little over seven months old and she's been basically sleeping the whole night ever since she was around three months, so we're certainly spoiled and not used to what most parents must go through with their babies.

Anyway, to try and clear my head and distract Marta (she's been naturally grumpier than usual), I took her for a walk, on her baby stroller. The day was sunny, the sky was clear and I was able to took lots of nice shots.

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