Writer's Block

By writersblock

My morning routine

In some ways it is nice to be back in a regular routine Monday to Friday. One of my rituals is to to fill up my pink cup of water from the cooler across the hall and then brew a cup of tea in my seasonal mug (this year I skipped Thanksgiving and went straight to Christmas). I LOVE black tea - it reminds me of being a kid. My mom would make a pot every afternoon after school and she let me drink out of tea cups that belonged once to my great grandma. Those were good times.

Anyway, that's how I start my work days.

In other news, we bought a dining room set today (just table and chairs). We figured it was time we stopped eating on the sofa like a couple of college kids since we have a kiddo now. It's time to start new rituals having to do with sharing a meal together every evening. :)

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