Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

Watch The Birdie!

The new camera has arrived so I have spent a good bit of the morning playing about with it. I had so wanted to use the big zoom to blip the Eider Ducks in the harbour, but the weather has been atrocious and the light so poor that the automatic headlamps were on in the car.

I did try a few shots, however the poor light didn't lend itself to to zoomed shots of ducks that were bobbing around all over the place in the choppy waters. Instead I decided to blip this seagull who was playing statues on a lichen covered rock. Not sure I had everything at the right setting, but decided I had to start somewhere and just go for it.

If I am going to blip gulls I will really have to learn to identify the various kinds. I think this is a Common Gull, which is probably a good place to start.

Right, away to play some more with the camera a read the manual!

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