Cats on the brain

Now, I like cats as much as anyone. In fact I like cats considerably more than most. When I was a small child cats were my only companions. When I was older, aged around 6, I remember being invited to stay for tea with a friend. She had a large family with several much older siblings who seemed like adults to me. We all were seated around the table when my friend's father, who was the local GP, asked me - presumably to draw me into the conversation - what I wanted to be when I grew up. Without a moment's hesitation I replied firmly "A cat-monger". Of course the assembled company dissolved into mirth. (Where the notion or the word came from I have no idea - it was entirely spontaneous.)

So I like cats a lot. But I have never walked down the street wearing a cut-out-cat hat. And today, when I spotted this man with a 'kitfer'* in Camden High Street I have to confess he looked a bit of a tit.

What's New Pussycat? - cat lovers' version.

* For those not familiar with Cockney rhyming slang, titfer [tat] means hat.

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