tempus fugit

By ceridwen

The lady with the dogs

I met this woman coming out of the paper shop with her dogs and she was happy to let me take a picture.
Although so different, both dogs have a lot in common. The Corgi had its origin as a Welsh cattle dog. I think this is the Cardigan, not the Pembroke, variety since it has a tail. The rough collie started out as a Scottish sheepdog but I don't imagine this one does much of that - it resembled a moving mound of beautifully coiffured fluff.
And both dogs have royal connections: Queen Victoria had a rough collie, Queen Elizabeth keeps a small flock, or herd, of corgis.
The paper shop is one of the few shops I know that actively welcomes dogs and in fact offers every canine customer a biscuit.
It was market day so the town was slightly busier than usual.

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