
By RaceyTrace333


Well I was in late again tonight! only been in about 45 minutes, so emergency blip again.

Since I have been in, all Roxy has wanted to do is play ball. It took me lots of shots to try and get her, because she kept jumping up at me when I was trying to get the shot.

I have settled for this one, as this is bout the only one where you could see her face, as she came right onto the camera and all you could see was fur.

It has been a long week, I have been on the road and today I was in Stratford meeting a client, next week I am all over the place.

Well off to bed as I have a busy day tomorrow, picking up post they could not get through the letter box and off to town.

Think it is going to be a long night as Roxy wants to play, now goot a squeaky ball. Hmmmmm

She is now sitting by the key ad as I type, bless her.

Hope you all have a weekend.

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