Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Coat by Gucci, Hair by Nicky Clark.

This pretty little creature came for her treat this morning. A few handfulls of freshly pulled grass from the verge before another mare came across and pronounced herself 'Chief Bitch.'

There are about six horses in this one paddock. Plenty of others in adjacent fields. Somehow this bunch went walkabout recently, across a farm track to greener grass. It appears the gate wasn't opened by a two legged creature but by the large mare in charge of the group. She is extremely clever. What has puzzled everybody is how she worked the numbers on the padlock.

My little dawg is totally confused that her dad would give treats to another creature. She was bouncing on her back legs trying to grab bits of grass from the pony. Eyes of Jade. When Toots was about six months old I had to climb this gate rather quickly. She had scrambled under in the ice and frost after a rabbit., mistaken the water trough behind the pony for a wall tried to vault it and gone swimming, her first time. I dragged her out, shook her and off she went again.

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