Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Toots - Parson Russell

My little girl is now nearly 9 years old. A wonderful companion, fearsome defender of her Dad and the house. Jealousy does not come in a green enough shade of Jade to describe what she goes through if I hug Mrs Booty, or even hold her hand. She cries, pushes herself between us and generally acts like a betrayed senorita. If I play around and jokingly tap Mrs booty on the leg I will get nipped by the dog, put in my place, weird bitch. There isn't an S.I. Unit for the love/joy/fun/loyalty that a dog brings to a family. Some things are immeasurable and should stay that way.

Sadly Toots is losing her sight. Cataracts and other complications mean she has peripheral vision but little else. The cataracts can be repaired, the other problems cannot be resolved. She has adjusted very well and gets on with her busy life, putting large dogs in their place, ignoring huge horses and defending us from the mail man.

She was chosen for us by her breeder, the reason I fell head over heels in love with her, not the breeder, was and remains her eyes. They are wonderfully expressive. It is therefore such a shame that her prime attraction is failing her. Luckily she is very obediant, except when cats or hedgehogs, mail men, delivery men, squirrels or magpies are around. She's a soft coated Parson Russell, not recognised by the KC, due to her coat, and I couldn't care less, she is incredible. As a bit of a non-conformist I think we make a good couple.

Mrs Booty continues to sound like Bonnie Tyler with a severe bout of laryngitis. It's very quiet around here, but I try in my idiotic way to keep her happy and smiling. This morning, as I left the house with Toots, she whispered to me in a less than sultry voice that she would gargle with aspirin. My hearing isn't what it should be. I thought she had asked me to get her a gargoyle, so offerred to bring back the evil gnome that lives in number 1. This caused her to choke and splutter with laughter.

Parson Russell & Jack Russell differences.

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