Experiments 2 - A ship underwater

This is the reflection of the Cruz boat on the water. I used the manual setting of my camera for this shot. I set it to f/4.7, 1/60 sec. exposure and ISO 100. Might not be the best settings, but it seemed to work ok. Then I turned the picture upside down and played a bit with the contrast and the colour, but not too much. This is the result.

I got up latish this morning, had a nice and relaxing breakfast, went to take some pictures at the Shore and then I went to the gym.

I was ready for a night out this evening, but my friends have decided to stay home. These things only happen when I'm off or on holiday, I'm relaxed, have plenty of time and I'm really in the mood to go out. Never mind! So, staying in instead :(

I'll bet you anything I'll be snowed down with plans next week, when I have to work all weekend! Grrrrr! End of rant!

Thanks very much for your lovely comments on my self portrait! I hope you're all having a good weekend! :)

PS: Ended up going out for a bit in the end :)

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