Experiments 3 - Upside down cow

A very silly experiment involving taking a hand-held shot using the manual setting of my camera. I had to use a faster shutter speed to reduce shakiness, so that's why it's a bit dark. It was not easy either to find the right angle to get the upside down cow through the glass. So, on the whole, not an easy shot to take.

Last night I ended up going out for a couple of drinks with a friend of mine. A very quiet night though. It turned out as well that some other friends were going out later on but, as I was walking home, I decided against meeting them. And I'm glad I did because today I'm not feeling well. I woke up with a blocked nose and a sore throat. Not a good thing considering I'm back to work tomorrow and my job involves a lot of talking to people. My flatmate has been ill at home all week, so I sort of expected this to happen at some point.

So, I've taken it easy today. The weather was really nice but I stayed home.

Today is the deadline for the Bank of Scotland photography competition. I've sent far too many a few pictures to it, being my usual indecisive self! Wish me luck!

Nursing my cold for the rest of the evening.

Thanks very much for your nice comments and stars on my boat experiment! I hope you all had a great weekend! :)

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