Learning day by day

By EmmaF

1st of many

But by 25th December I will be sick to death of the stuff if last year is anything to go by.

Breaking news: I managed to run at the weekend. Not as far as I would have liked but I was time constrained. Will try to get out again tomorrow all things being equal. Famous last words.

Morning spent sorting stuff and getting no where fast while Daddy was at the gym and kids were at creche. Then after lunch we took the kids to reek havoc at Nanna and Poppa's. Great fun was had by all, particularly when Uncle Mike and Aunty Christine turned up. Carys has gained a third Granny and William was chased (literally) around the house by Uncle Mike. A sight that had to be seen to be believed, particularly if you know the size difference between William and Mike.

Finally we thought we'd get the most out of the day and go swimming. Daddy was very impressed with the improvement in both kids. Will decided he'd had enough after 20mins, bless him. He was out on his feet. How he stayed awake 'til we got home I really don't know.

Now for some mindless Saturday night TV and yet more sorting.

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