Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Family Day

The run went out the window this morning, as did Church, the need for sleep was greater. Will is teething, last 4 molars and everyone knows about it, so my lovely husband let me stay in bed and didn't wake me until 08.45 (Church is 09.30, no way I was going to make that.). I was woken with a lovely cup of tea and a little boy in a Snow White dress who hurled himself at me as if he hadn't seen me for weeks. Yes you read it correctly, William was wearing a Snow White dress.

After breakfast, my first and the second one for the kids, we drove out to Marston Moretaine which has a Forest (supposedly) and a lovely lake to walk round. As we dropped down to Marston Moretaine we left the glorious sunshine behind and headed into the fog. Brr! Undeterred we got out the scooters and headed of round the lake. nothing much to be seen beyond possibly 10m. But we had fun. Possibly a bit ambitious of both us and the boy, to scoot all the way round, approx. 4km. He was determined though and although we had to carry him under protest for a small way and pull him along on the scooter for some of it we made it round. It wasn't helped by Will's insistance on standing still and waiting for every runner, cyclist and dog to go by. Next time we won't take the scooters and I will take my runners, would be a great place to run.

Nice food in the cafe after and singing like maniacs on the way home to keep the boy awake, mostly the songs Carys is learning for her Christmas play. All in bed asleep early tonight. Fingers crossed it will last.

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