my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

Home and Alone


A lazy day was called for. We've not had one for ages. We all hung out in our dressing gowns till about 2pm. It ROCKED.

Took the girls to the park and Evie held her own on the Skatepark and was all sorts of awesome.

The dark afternoon called for classic film watching (with obligatory quilts and bags of sweets) I suggested Ghostbusters but was vetoed so we went for Home Alone. The girls haven't seen it and they loved it! Jeanne promptly watched it again. I *think* she may have a thing for little Macaulay.

I did not cry at the Scary Shovel man talking to Kevin in the church. AT ALL. OH NO. NOT ME.

Quiet night for me because of stuff. Actually downloaded a film for myself... So laughing at Bridesmaids as I type. Stucks will be so proud. Me, doing normal stuff like eating and watching chick flicks.

So, here you are reading MY journal!

"You read my diary?"

"At first I did not know it was your diary, I thought it was a very sad handwritten book"

Bridesmaids. FTW


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