my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm


I have my abstract paintings but would really like a couple by local artist Chris Cyprus. He's quite Hockney like.

He has painted some wonderful scenes of Mossley and it is amazing to recognise the buildings and landscape. I never get tired of it.

They are a little out of my price range though. Ages ago one of his paintings was on the front of our local Mossley free mag and I ripped off the cover and put it somewhere safe. Then last month another one graced the publication and I knew the time was RIGHT!

So, frames sourced and pictures mounted. With a view to being replaced with the real thing some day. Some day soon I hope. *Like a lot of things*

The first one shows the path up to Top Mossley (Mossley has a Top and Bottom) and Archer St which is near the girls school.

Lower one shows St Georges Church, Hartshead Pike and lots of stone terraces. Like the one I'm sat in now.

Love Mossley. Love Life.


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