
By Mimthing


South beach, Bridlington, East Yorkshire to be precise.

We have the pleasure of the company of our Grandchildren this weekend...and we are PLAYING!

Beautiful day today so we headed for the sea-side, all the way there Maddy was pointing out of the window saying Beach?
Some of things she pointed to were Beech trees....!
Was I wrong to say yes?

So here we are, the four of us making long shadows in the winter sun.

Mimsdaze do not get any better than this...along with Daze with my kids -obviously!

Tomorrow we will make Rice Crispy crunchies with Mars bars and marshmallows and flapjack with fruit muesli

Mummy and Daddy are being Layla and Chris with Zanda and Amy -grownups for the weekend- this will undoubtedly involve some degree of alcohol.

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